Saturday, May 2, 2009

Action Photo Assignment

Here is my action photo of my dog Sully. I really enjoyed this assignment. I spend most of my photographing time trying to capture an action shot of my dogs. They are so energetic that they give me plenty of opportunities to do just that! I found this assignment not to hard to do because of that. For this photo we were playing toss the stick in the water and Sully happened to jump out of the water with the stick in his mouth at the perfect time I snapped the photo. I think action photography is a lot of luck, especially when dealing with fickle animals!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Portrait Assignment

Here is a portrait photograph of my niece. She generally is so "trained" to pose for pictures by saying "cheese" while doing her best fake smile! So the trouble I ran into with taking a portrait shot was trying to take one with a natural expression and not the fake "cheese". I had to take several shots to get this one natural look. And by several I mean many! I took many photos of smiles and goofy expressions until finally I caught this one. I think is her expression for "can you stop taking pictures of me now"! She was a really good sport about it. The other problem I had was that there was a lot of natural light. You can see that the right side of her face is getting a lot of light. I like the way the light is hitting her face but I think some may think it is too much light. Ethier way I like the overall effect of the close-up, her expression, and the light.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Clone Stamp Photo

This is my photo using the clone stamp tool. I made this image by selecting the clone stamp tool and selected multiply mode. I had the opacity at 28%. I also selected Aligned. I selected the image of Sully and put it behind the "real" Sully. I call this picture the "spirit of Sully". I can see after using this tool how people can make photos of "ghosts" seem real!

Patch Tool Photo

Here is my photo using a the patch tool. I selected the patch tool and selected "destination" under the patch tool. I also selected "transparent" under patch tool. I then chose parts of the tree I liked and used the patch tool to move transparent versions in the sky. My thought process was just to add a dream-like quality to the picture.

Photos Using Text

Here are my photos using text. I used the text tool and then typed it horizontally for Boston's photo and vertically for sully's photo. After I typed the text I highlighted and changed the color of the font. I then used "warp" to change the shape of the text. I used the flag warp setting. I watched the tutorial on watermarks but I didn't add one to my photos since I don't have a website or a copyright and I liked the idea of titling my dog photos.